有沒有看過HP比 Ftr還高的Wiz?

Character Name: Haelin Slophenia

Player: Jinbo

Race: Human, female
Class/Level: Lv10 Wizard/ Lv2 Blood Magus
Experience Point: --
Alignment: LE
Language: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Gnomish, Abyssal


Birth Date: July 4th, AD 582
Birth Place: Seaman Empire
Height: 163cm
Weight: 46 kg
Eyes Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Skin Color: White

Ability Score: Score/Modifier; (Temp Score/Temp Mod)

HP: 106
AC: 10+1=11
Arcane Spell Falure: 0%
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: [Total+1] = [DexMod+1] + [MISC]

Saving Throws [Total] = [BaseSave] + [AbilityMod] + [MagicMod] + [MISC]
Fortitude: +16=+5+5+6
Reflex: +8=+3+1+4
Will: +13=+8+1+4

Base Attack Bonus:+6/+1
Attack Bonus:
Melee: [Total+5/+0] = [BaseAttackBonus+6/+1] + [StrMod-1] + [SizeMod] + [MISC]
Ranged: [Total+7/+2] = [BaseAttackBonus+6/+1] + [DexMod+1] + [SizeMod] + [MISC]

Skills: 24+4+21+7+7+8+8+8+8+16=96
[Concentration]([Con]) [+24] = [Rank+15] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+4]
[Craft(Alchemy)]([Int]) [+10] = [Rank+5] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+0]
[Knowledge(Arcana)]([Int]) [+22] = [Rank+13] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+4]
[Knowledge(Religion)]([Int]) [+18] = [Rank+13] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+0]
[Knowledge(History)]([Int]) [+18] = [Rank+13] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+0]
[Knowledge(Dungeon)]([Int]) [+17] = [Rank+12] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+0]
[Knowledge(Plane)]([Int]) [+15] = [Rank+10] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+0]
[Spell Craft]([Int]) [+24] = [Rank+15] + [Ability+5] + [Misc+4]

Great Fortitude
Improved Toughness
Spell Focus (Evocation)
Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
Empower Spell
Energy Substitution (Cold)
Aegis of Rime (+20% damage to all [Cold] Spells)
Sudden Maximize
Scribe Scroll(Wizard)

[TAB+5/+0]; [Damage 1d4]; [Critical 19-20x2]
[Melee];[DamageType piercing];

Light Crossbow, MW
[TAB+7/+2]; [Damage 1d8]; [Critical 19-20x2]
[80ft];[DamageType piercing];


[Bolt] 40/40

5G 5S

Ring of Wizardry I
Ring of Wizardry II
Blessed Book
Broom of Flying
Bag of Holding (500lb)
Lesser Rod of Maximum Spell (Lv3 or less)
Rod of Empower Spell (Lv6 or less)
Cloak of Resistance +4
Amulet of Health +2
Pen and Ink x1
Notebook x1
Wizard's Spellbook x2
Scroll Book x1
Wolfskin Overcoat x1
Bedroll x1
Waterskin x1
Spell Component Pouch x1
Rope 50ft
BackPack x1
Torch x3
Brandy x2

Spellbook A: Offensive Spells
Lv0: All
Lv1: Grease, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Sleep
Lv2: Web, Blindness/Deafness, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm,
Balagarn's Iron Horn, Healin's Orb of Fragment Shards, Glittering Dust,
Lv3: Fireball, Lance of Disruption, Stinking Cloud, Explosive Runes, Lightening Bolt
Lv4: Wall of Ice, Ice Storm, Malison, Evard's Black Tentacles, Confusion,
Fire Trap, Fear, Shout
Lv5: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Hold Monster

Spellbook B: Buff/Assistant Spells
Lv1: Shield, Magic Weapon, Identifty, Feather Fall, Unseen Servant,
   Alarm, Mage Armor, True Strike, Erase, Protection for Evil, Mount,
   Animate Rope
Lv2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Cat's Grace, Fox's Cunning, Spider Climb, Disguise Self
Lv3: Haste, Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Water Breathing, Dispel Magic, Meatier Swarm, Tongues,
Invisibility Sphere
Lv4: Greater Invisibility, Arcane Eyes, Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Mass Enlarge Person,
Animated Dead, Remove Curse,
Lv5: Teleport, Wall of Force, Wall of Stone, Prying Eyes

Blessed Book: High Rank Buff/Assistant Spells
Lv5: Summon Monsters V, Overland Flight, Permanency, Passwall
Lv6: AntiMagic Field, Greater Dispel Magic, Legend Lore, True Seeing
Contingency, Create Undead, Mass Bull Strength, Mass Bear Endurance,
Mass Fox's Cunning,

Blessed Book: High Rank Offensive Spells
Lv5: Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Pain,
Lv6: Acid Fog, Mass Suggestion, Chain Ligntning, Symbol of Fear,
Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone,

Tome of Scrolls 15/50
Lv1: Shield, Feather Fall x2
Lv2: Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, Mirror Image
Lv3: Haste, Water Breathing, Dispel Magic x2,
   Lance of Disruption, Greater Magic Weapon

Blood Magus Scar Tatoos 4/4
Lv3: Lightening Bolt, Haste, Slow
Lv4: Greater Invisibiliy

Spells: DC = 10+Spell level+5
Spell per Day: Lv0(4)/Lv1(4+2+4)/Lv2(4+1+4)/Lv3(4+1)/Lv4(3+1)/LV5(3+1)/Lv6(2+0)/Lv7/Lv8/Lv9
Lv0: Detect Magic, Flare, Read Magic, Light
Lv1: Grease x2, Shield, Charm Person, Magic Missile x3,
Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Feather fall,
Lv2: Snilloc's Snowball Swarm x2, Web, Glittering Dust, Mirror Image
Blindness/Deafness x2, Fox's Cunning, Spider Climb
Lv3: Dispel Magic, Fireball x2, Haste, Lance of Disruption
Lv4: Malison, Stoneskin, Greater Invisibility
Lv5: Cone of Cold, Wall of Force, Hold Monster, Cloudkill
Lv6: Chain Lightning, Greater Dispel Magic

Special Abilities:
Familiar: Weasel (+2 Reflex)
Blood Component (+1 caster level/per. HP lost this way)
Durable Casting
Stanch (automatically stable)
Cold Resistance 5

「On the ground there is a hill,
 Also a serpent within a well.
 His tail is long with wings wide,
 All ready to flee by every side.」

「The Bird of Hermes is my name.
 Eating my wings to make me tame.」

Emma, HeavyWarhorse
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 34
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 14, touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run

Lance of Disruption
[Evocation] [Force]
Level: Sorc/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft+5/caster level
Duration: instant
Saving Throw: Fort Special
spell Resistance: Yes

This spell fires a lance of pure force at a single target of your choosing. Like Magic Missile, it
automatically hit and inflicting 5d6 crushing damage to the target. The target must make a Fort save
or being stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
[Evocation] [Cold]
Level: Sorc/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft+5/caster level
Radius: 10-ft burst
Duration: instant
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2
spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates an erupt of snowballs from a point within range. The swarm of snowballs deals
[2d6+1d6/two caster levels beyond 3rd] points of cold damage(maxium 5d6). Fire-based creature suffer
double damage if they failed the save.

Meatier Swarm
Level: Sorc/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: standard action
Range: 10ft/caster lv.
Radius: 10ft radius
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Reflex neg, see text
spell resistance: none

This spell creates 1d4/caster level lbs of meat chunks that falling from the sky within a 10ft radius.
It deals 1 blugdeoning damage to any creature within the area of effect if they failed a Reflex save.
The caster of this spell must specifies the type of meat that he wants to create before casting this spell, and
he must have eaten those meat during his past life to create the exactly same type of meat.
All the meat chunks created this way are cooked already and ready to serve as a meal, and it tasted just like
the real meat, no more, no less. However, if a character keeps eating nothing but these meat for 2 meals in a
streak, he must made a Fort save (DC15) or suffer the sickening effect for 1 hour.

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